Agribusiness and Agri Energy

Promoting co-creation and collective impact. 

Our Programs

Our Programmes aim to accelerate the address of challenges in the local Food Systems. The address is anchored on the following ongoing programmes. In all our programme we endeavor to promote co-creation and collective impact. 

Enhancing Farmer Productivity

Through our partnership with various agri based companies and stakeholders, AgriEn helps farmers to understand the role of modern agricultural technologies and creates opportunities for adoption. This support includes access to certified seed, soil health services and products, land and irrigation systems, training on various farming and business skills, enterprise development and market linkages.


The Agdrive Project (Agdrive) is a trade, investment, and innovation project focused on agribusiness, food manufacturing, and agritech focused on the Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa (COMESA) and the Southern African Development Community (SADC) markets. The objective of the project is to crowd in investment, trade, and technical assistance for agricultural and food project promoters, Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs), private sector companies, and public sector agricultural project promoters. The project is being facilitated by Drive Africa, One Life Events and Communications.


From time to time, AgriEn Network holds various activities under various themes with the sole purpose of linking various actors in the food system. This is also anchored on dialogues, meetings and Community of Practice (CoP), localised market and fairs such as Makeni Farmer's Market and agri business platforms such as the Thrive Marketing and Technology Fairs etc.

Street Business School

The Street Business School program is a one-of-a-kind livelihood training curriculum that empowers women living in poverty with the tools they need to successfully start and grow microbusinesses. The program is designed for the localization and for those who may not have a significant formal education, plus it includes critical confidence building components.


The school-to-farm program has been developed and designed to get students and generally the youth excited about food production and primary processing. It is aimed at also promoting Agri-careers and to inspire young minds between the ages of 7- 18 years towards pursuing agricultural careers.


Karocko development foundation is working with AgriEn Network and to establish an Agri-village to be located in Ndola, Copperbelt Province. The facility will connect Zambia to the D.R.Congo and other parts of the Copperbelt through various activities that will include: Smart agricultural production, value addition, Agribusiness, Agri-education, Agri-tourism and Agri-entertainment.

Agri Trade Mission

AgriEn facilitates agri based local and international tours and expositions. This can be sector specific, Value chain, Private or Public sector. These are designed education tours that highlight opportunities for investment in Zambia. The key objective is to work together to explore opportunities for Business 2 Business partnerships.